Calling STEM clubs, Computing clubs, and science teachers!
We invite school teams and science clubs (15+ years, STEM students) to enter the TADPOLE challenge with a chance to win a cash prize. Open from now until November 2017.
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What is it?

Source: Alzheimer's Disease International

TADPOLE is a scientific challenge to predict the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

It brings together scientists around the world to identify people that will develop symptoms over the next 1-5 years. This is a critical step in developing treatments for dementia - one of the biggest challenges facing 21st century medicine. You can help!

Who should consider it?

The challenge is appropriate for senior high-school students (EU, USA, Australia; UK: A-level or talented GCSE), with a focus on STEM subjects, in particular mathematics and computing. It also has relevance to biology. Participation is open to any country.

What are the learning benefits?

Students can expect to learn about the dementia crisis and research efforts to combat it. TADPOLE provides a unique opportunity to acquire new computing skills and statistical techniques for data handling and prediction while contributing to a global biomedical research challenge. Prizes to support further scientific activity for the winners. Certificates of participation for all entrants.

How does it work?


TADPOLE provides data on about 1000 people at risk of Alzheimer’s disease to inform statistical models or prediction algorithms.

Template computer code is available to get started. Students can adapt it or write their own to implement their own prediction algorithms.

Challenge participants must submit forecasts by 15th November 2017. TADPOLE will store forecasts and evaluate them about 1 year later once future data from those people are available.

Prizes will go to forecasts that best match that future data.

What do you need to do?

For now, register interest in TADPOLE and get your team together. Register by emailing and make clear you are a school or science club team. Teams will need a teacher or science-club leader to act as mentor and representative. We will provide more information on the challenge over the summer.


Make enquiries on the TADPOLE Google Group, follow EuroPOND for updates, or browse the main TADPOLE website for further details.

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